A TRI Certification Sets You Apart

Gain a Competitive Advantage

Becoming a TRI Certified Specialist helps you stand out in a sea of practitioners. You’ll spend more time being a hero for clients who pay higher rates because they appreciate your value.

Get training & ongoing support

TRI Certified Specialist’s have the backing of one of the top tax resolution firms in the nation helping their companies grow, fast. Becoming a TRI Certified Specialist ensures you’ll deliver tax resolution services that gets results for your clients.

Get training & ongoing support

TRI Certified Specialist’s have the backing of one of the top tax resolution firms in the nation helping their companies grow, fast. Becoming a TRI Certified Specialist ensures you’ll deliver tax resolution services that gets results for your clients.

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How To Become A TRI Certified Specialist

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What People Are Saying About Being A TRI Certified Specialist

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How Does It Work

Whether you want to become a marketing consultant, enhance value to your existing coaching business, or add personal value within a large organization, the StoryBrand Certified Guide Program will get you where you want to go.

StoryBrand has quickly become one of the most trusted names in marketing. Created by best-selling author Donald Miller, StoryBrand has helped more than 3,000 business leaders clarify their message. And the results are incredible. Many businesses have reported doubling, tripling and even quadrupling their revenue while spending less, not more, on their marketing efforts.

StoryBrand is certifying a select number of Guides each year. A StoryBrand Certified Guide can consult with individual businesses to help them clarify their message and create a marketing strategy that works. StoryBrand supports these Guides with an immersive 4-day training, a license to use our framework, and qualified leads. We will help you learn our framework, consult with businesses and, if you want, turn your consulting into an independent business.

To become a StoryBrand Certified Guide: 1. Fill out our online application. 2. Have a brief conversation with one of our representatives. 3. Receive your training and get to work building or enhancing your consulting business.

Without a framework, you’re just delivering marketing advice. But customers are looking for more. They’re looking for a proven system they can trust to deliver results. Becoming a StoryBrand Certified Guide is your path to delivering results for your clients while building the career of your dreams.

Apply to become a StoryBrand Certified Guide today.

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Discover How Becoming TRI Certified Will Enhance Your Career

How it works!

Who Should Become A TRI Certified Specialist

Gain a Competitive Advantage

Becoming a TRI Certified Specialist helps you stand out in a sea of practitioners. You’ll spend more time being a hero for clients who pay higher rates because they appreciate your value.

Get training & ongoing support

TRI Certified Specialist’s have the backing of one of the top tax resolution firms in the nation helping their companies grow, fast. Becoming a TRI Certified Specialist ensures you’ll deliver tax resolution services that gets results for your clients.

Get training & ongoing support

TRI Certified Specialist’s have the backing of one of the top tax resolution firms in the nation helping their companies grow, fast. Becoming a TRI Certified Specialist ensures you’ll deliver tax resolution services that gets results for your clients.

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When Can I Become A TRI Certified Specialist

Specialist Certification


Woodland Hills, CA

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