Marketing Glossary and Terms

Education & Support for Professionals


This is the act of using a media outlet such as television broadcasting, magazines, or the internet to market a product or service to prospective buyers/users.

A person or company that represents a party relating to a marketing or advertising endeavor.

The systematic analysis of data or statistics.

The study of how society behaves both outwardly and privately.

A way to gauge a person’s perspective based upon their behavior.

The act of exchanging goods or services in lieu of cash payments.

An intangible, this is what a company creates from several items to tie in with how they want to be perceived. Several items including logos, slogans and jingles contribute to a company’s overall brand.

A person or company that is called upon to facilitate a business transaction.

An amount of money or time calculated to determine what time or money a person or company plans on spending on a given endeavor.

This is the person seeking the product or service being offered.  We prefer this term over “customer” when selling services as it comes across more professionally.  It is important to understand that the person contacting you to purchase may not be the true prospective client.

A company, person, good, or service that participates directly within another company’s or person’s line of business.

A roadmap created to overcome a competitor’s strengths in the marketplace.

The behavior that describes the behavior of a region, country, race, company other group of people.

A structured set of data points held in a computer.

A brief sales speech that is persuasive and outlines an idea.

A coordinated set of email messages that are sent across a period of time with a specific purpose.

To carry out or put into effect a certain course of action.

The act of marketing on a broad scope. This may include worldwide market, countrywide marketing or other metrics such as all consumer marketing.

Unconventional, low cost marketing methods aimed at obtaining exposure for a company.

A term used to describe a person’s or group of people’s beliefs.

A term used to describe an increase in price due to an imbalance in demand over supply.

A business dealing where two or more people, business or other entities participate in control and ownership of a business.

A person or business who eventually may become a client.

Correspondence issued by a bank stating that a person or business has been granted credit to purchase goods or services.

A person or entity grants another person or entity to use a tangible or intangible item conditioned by the terms of the license.

The manner in which a person or business enters into a new arena of business.

The act of planning, executing, and measuring the efforts of a person or business to gain notoriety to access prospective clients or increase brand awareness.

To estimate or assess the extent, value, quality, or effect of something.

A means by which to broadcast content to the public including television, radio, and print.

Written copy used to communicate an idea, description or other content to a recipient or recipients.

Make partial or minor changes to meet requirements.

A highly effective means to garner new business by meeting with associates in order to refer business back and forth. These types of meetings are most effective when done face-to-face in a live setting.

A bulletin sent out periodically to members of a society, business, or group.

An internet business model used to drive traffic to websites. The advertiser pays the publisher when their ad is clicked.

Setting the price of a good or service at lower than market conditions to gain a new client, increase sales volume, etc.

A particular position or portion of space.

The highest price that can be set based upon what market conditions will allow.

The lowest price that can be charged based upon associated costs to bring a product or service to market.

Using research to make marketing decisions relating to marketing a product.

A product may be tangible or intangible and usually refers to what product or service the provider is offering.

An incentive offered by a person or company to another person or company made with the intent of providing an item or service at a reduced cost or no cost to gain something from the recipient.

A person or company that a provider deems may be interested in purchasing the provider’s product or service. 

Professional maintenance of a favorable public image by a company or organization.

A baseline created to measure one’s productivity or effectiveness.

A prospective client referred by an outside (usually trusted) source.

A company selling products to consumers. A retailer can be a physical store or be a company with an online store.

A ratio between net profit and cost of investment. Used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment.

The seeking of information to gain knowledge.

The process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing visibility of a web page to users of a web search engine.

Marketing products or services at certain particular times of year.

Published accessible data from a variety of sources.

Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or participate in social networking.

Seeking outside parties to provide a component relating to a service or good being sold.

A study to identify an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

A pattern or mold used as a guide to form a piece being made.

A formal statement testifying a person or company’s character and qualifications.

An exhibition at which businesses in an industry come and promote what they have to offer.

A person or company selling a service or product at a price below market with the intention of having the purchaser resell the service or product.