Tax Resolution A to Z

This new course covers the high-level topics of every aspect of tax resolution from Audits to Zero Dollar Installment Agreements.

Audits | Appeals | Tax Court | Penalty Abatement | Collections | Installment Agreements | Offers in Compromise | Payroll Taxes | Trust Fund Recovery | Lien Removal | Levy Release | Wage Garnishment Release | Bankruptcy | Tax Resolution Alternatives

Tax Resolution A to Z2019-08-30T16:10:00-07:00

Market & Sell Your Professional Services

So, you have the “work” aspect of your practice down pat. Now the question is, “How do you increase your client base and close more sales?” This course shows you how to work smarter not harder so you can accomplish these things with little to no additional effort.

Market & Sell Your Professional Services2019-10-29T13:27:23-07:00

IRS Appeals

This course offers professionals who want to learn the process of filing an appeal of an offer in compromise or any other IRS decision. Unlike our introductory courses, this course delves into the intricacies that make the difference in receiving a favorable result.

IRS Appeals2019-10-30T10:30:56-07:00

IRS Audits… Art or Science?

In addition to teaching the ‘science’ of an IRS tax audit, this course will guide you through the basics of how one’s cultural origin affects the manner in which they respond to various social prompts in a tax audit or collection situation. You do not want to miss this course

IRS Audits… Art or Science?2019-11-01T16:17:34-07:00

Introduction to Tax Resolution

This course offers certified public accountants, enrolled agents and bankruptcy attorneys an overview into resolving their client’s tax matters as they relate to unpaid and unfiled income and payroll taxes. Covering both business and personal issues this course demonstrates to professionals the various methods available to resolve their client’s tax problems. Professionals that practice tax resolution will not only grow their practice but will also be able to retain more of their existing clients. Even the ones with tax problems. This course is a must for EA’s and accountants practicing tax as well as bankruptcy attorneys.

Introduction to Tax Resolution2019-10-30T15:54:31-07:00

Learn How to Make Money Today with Tax Resolution

After viewing this webinar you will be able to make between 2 and 10 thousand dollars with no other training! In this webinar you will be given ways to maximize earnings relating to: Income tax issues, Payroll tax issues, & Taxes and bankruptcy.

Learn How to Make Money Today with Tax Resolution2019-10-30T10:30:57-07:00

Offers in Compromise & Appeals

This course is a must for any professional who prepares or is considering to prepare an Offer in Compromise or file an IRS appeal.

Offers in Compromise & Appeals2018-09-27T14:39:11-07:00

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: What You Need to Know

Learn how the New Tax Law (Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017) will affect you, your clients, and your business. Plan for the changes now to avoid hidden landmines in the law that could seriously affect your income, your credit, and your business. Be a Hero to your clients.

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: What You Need to Know2019-08-15T10:55:24-07:00


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