Great news! Become the authority in your area of expertise and let us do the marketing for you.

We are expanding our learning platform to include online eLearning courses. By doing so this enables us to quickly broaden the scope of learning categories we may offer without limit. If you have experience or are interested in teaching in one of the following subject areas, send us a sample of what you have done so we may determine if you would fit our program.

• Taxation
• Accounting
• Tax Resolution
• Bankruptcy (as related to taxes)
• Sales and Marketing

We are looking for a sample video/audio (video preferred) segment (min. 5 minutes) of you teaching. If you have not yet done so, you make create this as if you were teaching to a live audience. The video may be uploaded using the button below or you may provide a link in the space indicated. If the video is larger than 100mb contact us at to make arrangements to send.

Keep in mind that we have production capabilities so if you need slides or other materials we can help. You may participate under one or more of three options…

1. Teach live via online webinar/s
2. Participate in a live seminar/webcast as one of several instructors
3. Have your recorded course (either taught on our platform or pre-recorded if you have an existing library) converted into an eLearning course.

If you are selected, we may ask for additional information to determine if you are qualified to participate in our program. If we deem you qualified, you will be sent a package with instructions and other materials allowing you to get started teaching and earn additional revenue. Use the form below to get started.

TRI Instructor


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